Train from the comfort of home or in another city. We coach via weekly video check-ins, ensuring change through progressive overload. Your training program and meal plan are accessed via the Vita Body app.

Online coaching is flexible with work, travel and home life. Video your lifts for coaching on technique.

  • Weekly Technique coaching via video and chat.

  • Weekly check-ins covering food, sleep, stress, creating habits, mindset, and lifestyle change.

  • A tailored training program and nutritional plan, updated every 6 weeks.

  • Goal tracking with progress photos/measurements.



  1. Book free consult below

  2. Sign up, download app, buy healthy groceries

  3. Meal prep and exercise following step-by-step guides

  4. Stay consistent and accountable through our coaching

Hey Maddie!

I’m feeling great this week! I went shopping, but couldn’t find those konjac noodles anywhere, so I’ve tried these thin gluten free rice noodles instead. With the broccoli purée I added kale, spinach, beans and silver beet in with chilli powder, cayenne pepper, and a small amount of salt and pepper. I added more greens into this one, so I’m getting more greens intake. The meal was unusual at first (I think it was more to do with the texture of it) but I added some of my spicy chicken to it and it was beautiful! I’m still yet to try the seaweed wraps but looks forward to it. I’m meal prepping tonight for the week.

And the chocolate recipe is amazing as well. I’ve made small chocolate cubes and I find no more than two is plenty for me when usually I could eat a whole block of chocolate. The stretches are also amazing! I’ve been having the best sleeps since I’ve started doing them and I wake up feeling as though my body has actually rested.

Thank you for showing me how to live healthier life style. It’s great!
— Kayla